Emergency Dental Care Resolves Pain and Restores Healthy Smiles

Emergency Dental Care in Langley BC Area

While it would be ideal, not all dental care is expected and planned for. Regrettably, dental emergencies can strike unexpectedly, leaving you in panic mode to find an emergency dentist. At Smile365 Dental, we reserve space in our appointment schedule to accommodate same-day dental appointments. Want to see a dentist now? Call us to speak to our dental team right away! What Counts as a Dental Emergency? Routine dental appointments inform you about the state of your dental health and detect problems that may have escaped your notice. Regular dental visits ensure your smile remains in great shape. Not all … Continue reading

When moments matter: Dentist office in Langley, Brookswoodresolves emergencies swiftly

Emergency Dentist Office in Brookswood Area

There are generally two categories of emergencies that Smile365 Dental treats outside of “regular” office hours: Dental injuries sustained while playing sports or as the result of other accidents (such as falls) Pain and trauma associated with (usually) chronic dental and periodontal conditions, such as caries (decay) and gum disease Regardless of need, our emergency dentist, Dr. Harpreet Aulakh, makes every effort to resolve dental problems the same day they arise or you contact us. You can trust our office in Langley, proudly serving Brookswood, to be responsive and to handle your unique and stressful situation with the utmost professionalism … Continue reading

What should you do during a dental emergency? Care tips from Langley City dentist ease pain, save teeth

Dental Emergency Care in Langley City area

Health Canada reports that more than four million workdays and around two million school days are missed every year due to oral illnesses. While many oral conditions are largely preventable with proactive services at Smile365 Dental, Dr. Harpreet Aulakh understands that accidents still happen. These injuries tend to arise at the most “inconvenient” of times. She encourages you to call 604-409-8660 ASAP in the event of a dental emergency. Meanwhile, keep the following dental emergency care tips from your friendly Langley City, BC, dentist in a handy place. With a little preparation, the window between your being at home and … Continue reading

Urgent treatment resolves pain quickly; proactive care in Langley City, BC, prevents many dental emergencies

Dental Emergencies in Langley City BC area

Dr. Harpreet Aulakh and her skilled staff want you to keep smiling, confidently and without pain, 365 days a year. Smile365 Dental accomplishes this mission by emphasising proactive routine visits to minimise your need for urgent dental care at our Langley City, BC, office. After all, urgent suggests a condition that cannot wait until your next six-month checkup and cleaning. Yet, many oral conditions are naturally progressive. They did not arise overnight; for instance: An easy-to-dismiss toothache can escalate into throbbing and chronic pain that affects how you chew and interferes with your work and sleep. That is because the … Continue reading

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