When is Tooth Pulp Removal Necessary?

Do you have a tooth that is severely infected or decayed? If so, you may need tooth pulp removal, which is accomplished through a root canal. The pulp of the tooth houses all the blood vessels and nerves, and when it becomes infected, it can lead to severe symptoms that adversely affect oral health. At Smile365 Dental in Langley, British Columbia, we use root canal therapy to restore oral health and save the natural tooth structure.
What is a Root Canal?
During a root canal, the innermost area of the tooth, called the pulp, is removed, and the area is cleaned and sealed. Also called endodontic therapy, root canals are an effective way to eliminate infection and prevent tooth extraction. It’s always best to save the natural tooth whenever possible, as missing teeth can cause problems within the arch and require more extensive restorations.
5 Signs You May Need A Root Canal
Here are symptoms you can watch out for that may indicate tooth pulp removal is necessary:
- Sign #1 – Severe Tooth Pain. While a dentist should evaluate all tooth pain, not all will signify the need for a root canal. If you have pain that comes in severe waves throughout the day or worsens with pressure and exposure to hot and cold, that could be a sign of an infection that needs treatment.
- Sign #2 – Darkening of Your Tooth. Darkening of the tooth often occurs after trauma or injury to the tooth. Root canal therapy can be done to prevent pain further down the road.
- Sign # 3 – Tender or Swollen Gums. Sometimes, gums can feel tender or swollen after brushing too hard or flossing, but that is not a sign of needing pulp removal. If the gums are painful to the touch, remain swollen, or have tiny bumps, this could be a sign of infection that requires root canal therapy.
- Sign #4 – Cracked Tooth. A cracked tooth due to injury may need a root canal if the trauma causes exposure to the pulp and nerves. Furthermore, teeth will sometimes crack due to severe decay, requiring pulp removal.
- Sign #5 – A Hole in Your Tooth. If you can feel a hole in one of your teeth, it is crucial to see the dentist immediately, even without pain. Cavities often do not cause pain in their early stages and are easier to treat, so seeking prompt care is essential. Still, depending on the size of the hole and the length of time it’s been there, you may still need a root canal.
If you are in the Langley, British Columbia area, contact us at (604) 409-8660 to learn more about our services.